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Diary of a Real Estate Intern – December 2021

Week 8 

Ahhh yes, this week from start to finish, was… let just say, a maelstrom of internal feelings compounded by weeks of sleepless nights in a student complex that had my skin crawling with agitation by Monday morning.  

To sum it up…

Do you remember when you were a child, and you had a tantrum? Did you ever scream into your pillow with rage?…. We’re all adults here, hush, hush, I won’t tell if you don’t… internalize that and say no more.   

Difficult week indeed, tough conversations were had, not enough minutes in the day to do what was required.  

Maybe I should have kept my Ralph waldo Emerson quote for this week, it was more applicable in comparison to last week.  

“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Anyway, I’m self-reflecting here and regurgitating my thoughts onto this, actually, side note, I need to find myself a filter with dialogue… it’s problematic!… What was harmless and innocent in a previous lifetime just isn’t so anymore, some things can and cannot be said.  

Main learning curve  

I was a little naïve, to be honest, I am new to the business world and its ways, and I don’t think it is finished teaching me its ways just yet.  

Week 9 

I kept the head down this week, a far better week than last week that’s for sure. Out of student accommodation into a lovely quaint 2 bed, 1 bath property. My sleep pattern has improved, with that my eating habits have improved and as a result, my training has also improved too. I’m guzzling water now and not cans of monster for energy, happy to say I haven’t drunk that poison since I changed address.  

Last week, honestly, it’s like a blur, I had so much on between work and college I feel like I’ve blinked, and a week has passed by. There is a very steep learning curve going on at the moment in my life between college and work. So much information is coming at me, I need to process it, break it down and make it an automatic process/response for each new piece of information I am taking on board, “marginal gains” as Stephen would say, I have no doubt in my mind when I’ve less to process and digest I will become far more efficient.

IPAV online conference Saturday was an eye-opening experience, especially around the new legislation. 

Also, the Stephen Brown training and his insights into the game of real estate are invaluable. It’s interesting seeing how the others on the team react and respond to his “teachings” each approach is different and the feedback is good to listen in on. He has expanded the parameters of my mind regarding dialogue and opening up conversation.  

Main learning curve 

The IPAV residential conference.  I learnt a lot! Very interesting. 

Week 10

Building on last week, fewer mistakes this week again. Starting to do some things automatically now. I find I’m not suffering as much from decision fatigue anymore.

Email etiquette is something that cropped its head up this week and taking feedback is something I’m working on.

Enjoying the aspect of meeting and greeting people during viewings. It was a busy week, sometimes it’s so busy and fast-paced the week goes so quick it’s hard to recall everything I’ve done over the week.

I helped a friend in need this week, it was a tough day but we got what needed to be done over the line. Maybe my good deed during the week is why I received a very generous gift in the door on Friday from my old gym the Warehouse Gym. A gold membership that allows me into any of their gyms and it’s a 12-month membership with no expiry date. I am grateful, blessed and truly humbled by such a gesture.

I am a firm believer in karma and as the saying goes, in order to receive we must first learn to give. 

Main learning curve 

I’m still learning but good sleep and good karma are my friends.

Till next time,

Scott Byrne

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