This week I’m going to chalk down as a ‘learnings week’ as Real Estate Industry Leader Stephen Brown likes to put it. I don’t know who coined the expression or where I heard it before but as they say to get ahead in a new industry; you must fail fast, fail often, and fail forward in order to learn and grow.
I made mistakes with the VR camera – not enough scans + pictures – lesson learned.
I made a mistake with the diary – lesson learned.
It was a good week of learning regardless; Stephen Brown’s real estate webinar was a great insight into how to conduct business smartly and effectively in the game of real estate – my main take away from him that day was every call is a potential opportunity.
I did more viewings this week which was great – I like interacting with people and figuring out how I can help them. I did some more take ons again too this week with Miriam – great insights into what to do and say when chatting with ‘prospective residents’ as Stephen Brown would say.
I wasn’t the only one that had a few hiccups during the week. On the upside, there was a lovely little surprise baby shower for Miriam which was nice to see, although a bunch of women chatting baby talk isn’t my scene yet so I couldn’t really relate to the situation. I did however enjoy the lunch and cupcakes. 😉
I also got to have a look at an electric-powered bike – Liberty Blue is very progressive in its approach to many things – like reducing their carbon footprint to help with the environment – I’ll be zipping up to your door before you know it!
The major learning curve that week:
The Stephen Brown webinar.
To sum up the week I would like to quote Ralph Waldo Emerson – “finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day.”
Till next time,
Scott Byrne