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How to Build a Smarter Faster Better Estate Agency Business

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I’m so excited about the launch of my first book! It has taken me a year to write but has been 26 years in the making.

If you would like to purchase a hard copy of my book, How to Build a Smarter, Faster, Better Estate Agency Business, you can order it by clicking the button below (or in person in the Book Cente, Waterford)

If it’s an electronic version you are after, you can purchase the Kindle version by clicking the button below.

I can’t tell you how much it meant to me that so many people came along to my book launch on Friday the 26th of January.

It was an amazing experience to see you and all of my other friends, clients, colleagues, and family in that beautiful space in The Book Centre. I am very grateful to you for your support and to the Book Centre, to Damien Tiernan from WLRFM, John Kennedy, President of IPAV, Shirley’s Delicatessen and Alan Power and the Aftershocks – for making this an event which will last in my memory forever.

Go raibh míle maith agaibh go léir – thank you all.

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