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How to Choose the Right Solicitors in Waterford

This two-minute read will help you learn about conveyancing solicitors and how to find the right one for you in Waterford.

What exactly is a conveyancing solicitor? This is the person who does all the legal paperwork for you when you are buying or selling a property. The following are our top tips on how to find the right one for you…

How to choose the Right Conveyancing Solicitors in Waterford

Cheap is rarely cheerful

You know the old adage: you can have fast, cheap, and good; but you can only have two at any one time. This is very true for solicitors. ‘Fast’ isn’t always the best word to use as there are multiple variables that may slow down the process. ‘Efficient’ is what you’re looking for.

There’s no template

When getting quotes from different solicitors for the work, bear in mind that there isn’t a set template for how those quotes are presented. There can easily be hidden costs. Ideally, you’d find a solicitor who offers a guaranteed fixed fee and a ‘no sale, no fee’ promise. Otherwise, the whole deal can fall through, for whatever reason, and you still have to pay the solicitor.

Get recommendations from friends and family

And then take them with a pinch of salt. Buying and selling property is something that happens so infrequently in most people’s lives. They may have had a good experience in the past but you don’t know what’s happened in that firm. Maternity leave, staff changes, even holidays can mean that a previously great firm takes a dip for a few months.

TOP TIP: Your estate agent has a great overview of the whole market. They deal with solicitors all day, every day. Ask them for their advice.

Different solicitors specialise in different areas

The advantage of asking your estate agent for a recommendation is that they’re used to dealing with a variety of solicitors in your area. Just because solicitor A is a whizz at family law doesn’t mean they are the best at conveyancing.

Using a solicitor who doesn’t specialise in conveyancing could lead to delays or even worse, they could advise their clients that something they are unused to is a risky issue, simply because they don’t understand the nuances, making them pull out of what should be a perfectly good purchase.

If you’re looking for a solicitor to help you to buy or sell a property, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We can chat you through the options. Call us on 051 85 81 82 or email

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