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How to Find Great Tenants and Keep Them

When it comes to renting your property, the most important thing you must do is to select the right tenant. There are no second chances, you must get this right from day one.  Afterall your property may be one of the biggest assets you own. Do not leave things to chance. If you do not choose the right tenants, you will enter a world of financial and emotional stress.  

Selecting the right tenant can be a challenge for some landlords. Ensure that you engage a very experienced letting agent who understands and knows the market. At Liberty Bue Estate Agents & Auctioneers, we have an understanding of people and we know when a story does not add up. Selecting the right tenant is not just about the character references.  Simply put, our gut is rarely wrong and the team at Liberty Blue have over 80 years of combined experience in our business.

In our experience…

Experience tells us, that a property which is maintained and presented well will attract interest from good tenants. They are looking for the ideal place they can call home. By investing in your property from the outset you will find that it will rent swiftly, and you will achieve market value rents. More than likely your new tenants will love their rented home and will want to renew after the initial lease expires. In turn this is probably the best way to save you money. Every time a tenant vacates you can expect to deal with some wear and tear issues plus you may have several weeks or a month with no rent coming in. 

How to find great tenants and keep them - Liberty Blue Auctioneers and Estate Agents Waterford

To keep great tenants in place and minimize void periods, delivering great customer service is essential. Do not avoid carrying out essential maintenance requests. Let us face it, most of us get irritated when something breaks down in our own homes or if we are waiting and waiting for someone to come and fix it and they do not show up. This is no different for a tenant.  

Landlord services:

If you need help with finding great tenants get in touch (and receive your very own free landlord guide) by signing up here

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Thanks for reading,

Maria Clifford – MIPAV TRV MMCEPI

Auctioneer Maria Clifford Liberty Blue Estate Agents Waterford Property Consultants
Expertise – Letting and Property Management, Residential Property Valuer, Senior Residential Property Negotiator
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