This two-minute read looks at how to trim down your energy bills.
Householders were hit with budget-busting energy price hikes in 2022 – a trend that looks set to continue well into the new year.
Here are some ways to claw back some cash on your heating bills and help the environment at the same time.
Small steps
Individually these measures offer modest gains but put them together, and you’ll notice the benefits.
Big-ticket measures
To see real value for money, invest in making your home more energy efficient. You’ll incur some costs upfront but reap long-term returns. There are home energy grants available to help bring down the cost of these home improvements. Find out more about these here.
Smart thermostats
These clever gadgets give you more precision over how and when you heat your home.
While traditional boiler controls are blunt instruments (allowing you to turn all the radiators on or off), smart thermostats allow you to heat specific rooms (handy if you work from home and only need one room to be toasty).
Most are operated via an app, so you can adjust your heating when you’re out, which is great if you forget to turn it off before you leave home.
If your home isn’t insulated, what are you waiting for? Attic and cavity wall insulation is one of the most cost-effective ways to cut your fuel bills.
If your insulation is several decades old, consider upgrading it. Older-style loft insulation is often far thinner, and therefore less effective than modern-day insulation.
Install double-glazing
Ill-fitting single-pane windows let the heat escape – and cost you money. Double-glazing will cut your heating bills and add value to your home.
Upgrade your appliances
Newer high-rating appliances such as dishwashers and dryers operate more efficiently saving you money on every use.
Future BER (Building Energy Rating) reports
Make sure you keep your receipts for any major work completed on your home. Home energy efficiency improvements can only be included in BER reports if they have been properly documented.
From all of us here at Liberty Blue Estate Agents, thanks for reading. Stay safe and stay warm.