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North Quays Funding Announcement

The Dream announcement was made today.

Liberty Blue Estate Agents are thrilled with the today’s Government confirmation of the funding approval for the Waterford North Quays development. 

A combined Government funding of €147m has been allocated to enable the infrastructure to the site. The funding has now been granted under the Urban Regeneration Development Scheme by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage. Infrastructure to facilitate the development includes a new site for the train station and bus interchange, new bridge with a shuttle bus connecting the North Quay with down town and riverside park and waterfront promenade.  

Regina Mangan, owner of Liberty Blue Estate Agents and Auctioneers says that “this will be a game changer for Waterford and the South East. This project will provide significant economic growth and is the catalyst to put Waterford firmly at the map of leading European Cities. The plan is hugely exciting and I’m buzzing about what this will mean for our children and generations to come. Waterford is Ireland’s largest City region catchment area with 603,902 population within a 60 minute drive. This development will give more people an opportunity to work, live and play in Waterford.  

This funding paves the way for a €400m plus development including significant retail and offices, hotel, conference facility and 200 apartments.  

North Quays funding

Earlier today on the Falcon Real Estate Development Facebook page, Rob Cass, Director of Falcon Real Estate Development said: “We are delighted with the decision by the Cabinet to approve infrastructure funding to connect the North Quays SDZ to the wider city, which represents the start of a new and exciting chapter of growth for the City & region. Waterford city and the surrounding region has the potential to become the fastest growing city-region in Ireland”.

Regina says, “we are extremely fortunate that we have visionaries like Rob Cass, our City Manager Michael Walsh, and architect Niall Harrington of Fewer Harrington & Partners and Marian Walsh of Carron and Walsh who have been involved with the project since day one and the team of people involved into turning this vision into a reality. If we build it, they will come. The future is very bright for Waterford and the South East.  Let’s build it and let’s get ready to welcome them.”

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