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Top things to consider when selling

Are you thinking of selling your home? Perhaps you are not sure where to start. There are three vital components. I am sharing some key information to help you get organised. 

What to consider when selling…

No 1 – Presentation.

Do not underestimate the power of paint.  Take down the busy wallpaper. Dark paint is a definite no. Paint walls with light neutral colours. This will open up your rooms, natural light will bounce off light walls and the rooms will look bigger. If there are trees and shrubs blocking light, prune these back. You do not want a buyer to think your home is dark and dull. Start the de-cluttering process room by room and present each room with purpose. A good agent will have lots of experience in staging and will give you lots of advice on this front. 

No 2 – Hire a solicitor.

Do not wait until you have secured a buyer. Choosing the right solicitor is vital. Speak to a few solicitors. It doesn’t have to be the family solicitor you have always dealt with.  You need an efficient solicitor who will be organised to ensure your contracts of sale are issued within a week of securing a buyer. A solicitor will require a list of documents from you.  If the title deeds are with a bank it can sometimes take up to 4 to 6 weeks to receive these. Do not delay and get yourself organised now. You do not want to add months to the sales process unnecessarily. You do not want to lose a buyer because the process is too slow. 

No 3 – Get your home valued.

When you contact an agent or agents, it’s important they give you a realistic valuation based on market evidence and not the promise of a price just to keep you happy to get the listing. Understand what evidence is behind the valuation. You have put in all the hard work in terms of staging, presentation, and hiring the right solicitor, getting the pricing strategy correct is vital.

For a valuation get in touch with me today.   I’d love to hear from you.  Send me a direct message on this page, or get in touch on 0863066594 

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