Want to know the average sales price of a 3 bed in Waterford? How long it takes to sell a home? or the current availability of property for sale or rent? then look no further. Every fortnight, we will discuss the points of interest in the Waterford property market. We’ll also chat with an expert to gain further insight and tips and tricks from their field.
In this episode, our host, Regina Mangan of Liberty Blue Estate Agents, talks to Jonathon Earle, President of the Waterford Chamber of Commerce about what’s on the horizon for our city; the Airport, Port, University and the North Quay development are all discussed. Among other things, they also chat about value for investors and quality of life, here in the south-east. It’s a really informative, interesting and optimistic chat about how much Waterford city has going for it.
Want to know what they had to say? then check out the video below.
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