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planning permission

Thinking of Buying a Doer-Upper in Waterford? Read This First

Thinking of Buying a Doer-Upper in Waterford? Read This First

When searching for a new home, do you scroll past properties that look a little worse for wear? You know the ones, where the carpet hasn’t been changed since the 70s and the floral wallpaper is curling off the walls?

Lots of buyers look for newly renovated or new-build homes due to fear of the doer-upper. If that sounds like you, we’re here to tell you that you’re potentially missing out.

Older, seemingly ‘unloved’ properties may look scary, but they’re often hiding bags of potential.

Here’s what to consider when buying a doer-upper.

Planning Permission

Planning Permission

I recently sale agreed a lovely site in Stradbally County Waterford. We are also selling two amazing sites in Cheekpoint with breathtaking waterfront views. With all the enquiries I received, I thought it would be a good idea to invite an expert to our Waterford Property Watch segment to answer some frequently asked questions about residential planning permission.

So I got in touch with a planning permmision expert…

Septic Tanks: Do I need to have planning permission for my septic tank when selling?

Septic Tanks: Do I need to have planning permission for my septic tank when selling?

Do I need to have planning permission for my septic tank when selling my home? 

When selling your property and if you have your own septic tank you need to make sure you have planning permission from your council. There is a stringent set of regulations that must be followed and requirements that need to be met.

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