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Property Regulations

New Tenancy Bill means a 2% cap on rents in RPZ’s

New Tenancy Bill means a 2% cap on rents in RPZ’s

Welcome to our November Property blog

This month I am focusing on the residential rental property market. In terms of activity very little has changed with respect to supply and demand.

As of today, the 10th of November, while writing this blog there are 11 properties in total for rent on Daft in Waterford City. This includes 3 student properties. There are a further 8 in the County of which one is a holiday home and only available until April to rent.

Planning Permission

Planning Permission

I recently sale agreed a lovely site in Stradbally County Waterford. We are also selling two amazing sites in Cheekpoint with breathtaking waterfront views. With all the enquiries I received, I thought it would be a good idea to invite an expert to our Waterford Property Watch segment to answer some frequently asked questions about residential planning permission.

So I got in touch with a planning permmision expert…

Waterford Property Watch Episode 4 – Rent Pressure Zone

Waterford Property Watch Episode 4 – Rent Pressure Zone

What does the Rent Pressure Zone mean to Waterford landlords? Following the big news about the rollout of the Rent […]

Who are the RTB? And what do they do? Expert Property Management Advice

Who are the RTB? And what do they do? Expert Property Management Advice

The RTB or Residential Tenancies Board (previously PRTB) was established in the Residential Tenancies Act 2004 and it acts as […]

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