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current market value

Getting the Price Right to Sell Well

Getting the Price Right to Sell Well

When selling a property there are two prices…

The price you, as the seller, need to get

The price the market is willing to pay

Unfortunately, it’s what the market is willing to pay that wins the day, no matter how we feel about it.

What is Happening in the Waterford Property Market?

What is Happening in the Waterford Property Market?

Are you interested in hearing what’s happening in the Waterford residential property market right now?

In the video and report below Regina reviews 2023’s residential property sales market and gives an update on what’s happening in the market so far this year.

Don’t Let Next-Door Syndrome Stop You Selling Your Waterford Home

Don’t Let Next-Door Syndrome Stop You Selling Your Waterford Home

Let’s be honest, we’ve all been a nosy neighbour at some point, haven’t we?

A ‘for sale’ sign goes up on a property in your street, and within minutes you’re online to find out what it’s on the market for.

Soon enough, you’re marvelling or shuddering at your neighbour’s taste in décor and deciding that your home is bigger, smaller, smarter or fancier than theirs.

There’s nothing wrong with this; in fact, if you plan to sell up yourself, it’s useful market research. But it’s also important to keep things in perspective, or you could develop what is known in the property industry as Next-Door Syndrome.

How to Maximise your Budget and Buy Your Dream Waterford Home 

How to Maximise your Budget and Buy Your Dream Waterford Home 

Buying a home comes with a lot of dreams, needs and wants, but there’s another consideration, too – budget. Whether you’re taking your first step on the property ladder or moving on to bigger and better things, how can you make every euro count?

Maximising your budget might seem impossible; after all, a downstairs toilet is a must, and you’ve always hoped for a driveway and south-facing garden. But are these wants and desires preventing you from finding something you can actually afford?

Like everything else in life, buying a property needs a bit of compromise. You don’t have to bin your dreams of a garage or home office; you just need to think outside the box.

In this quick read, we look at ways to maximise your budget and get the home you’ve always wanted.

Why Home Sellers Need Good Agents Now More Than Ever

Why Home Sellers Need Good Agents Now More Than Ever

The last two years have been hectic for the Waterford property market.

But now, the market is normalising, and homes are not selling as fast as they once were.

It’s also becoming harder to sell a home for a premium price.

Add to that the cost of living crisis and other global events hitting us in our collective pockets.

The good news is it’s still possible to achieve an excellent price for your home if the estate agent working with you knows how.

Regina’s address to the Minister for Housing

Regina’s address to the Minister for Housing

This morning, Monday the 31st of January 2022, Regina had the chance to address Darragh O’Brien TD, the Minister for Housing. Here is what she had to say…

Five Ways to Declutter Your Waterford Home

Five Ways to Declutter Your Waterford Home

In this two-minute read, we look at one of the simplest ways to turbo charge the sale of your home – decluttering.

When it comes to selling a home, there’s a simple way to add thousands of euros to the price you achieve – and that’s to get rid of your clutter.

By being a little bit ruthless with yourself, and those you live with, you really can achieve a quicker and more lucrative sale.

Here are five ways to say goodbye to your clutter…

Calculating Your Waterford Buy-to-Let Return

Calculating Your Waterford Buy-to-Let Return

If you’re looking for a property to rent out, it’s important to understand the numbers involved. You may have inherited a property and are thinking of letting it. Use the information here to identify if that is a prudent thing to do or if the capital from selling the property could be better invested.

Waterford Property Watch Report – April 2021

Waterford Property Watch Report – April 2021

Plenty of interesting reading recently about the property market and why now is not the time to buy property according to David Mc Williams.

Even the economic experts admit that they got it wrong over the last 12 months. Regina Mangan discusses the latest Daft report and her thoughts on where the market is going

Rent Reviews will Protect the Value of your Asset

Rent Reviews will Protect the Value of your Asset

You should never underestimate the importance of carrying out annual rent reviews to maintain the value of your property. Not only do rent reviews keep your income at the current market value but they also ensure your property achieves the maximum potential price, should you wish to sell. Find out why in this 2 minute read.

Thinking of selling your home?

Thinking of selling your home?

Thinking of selling your home? Check out my top questions to ask yourself.

Maria Clifford has some fantastic advice to share this week about the questions you should ask yourself if you are considering putting your home on the market.

Bowefield, Gracedieu, Waterford Property Update 2020

Bowefield, Gracedieu, Waterford Property Update 2020

In this week’s property update, Maria Clifford, Auctioneer, discusses the beautiful estate of Bowefield, nestled on the hilltop of Gracedieu, just outside Waterford city.

Want to know how much houses in Bowefield and River Park sell for?
How many homes sold here last year?…..

Waterford Rental Prices WPW Ep 7

Waterford Rental Prices WPW Ep 7

Welcome to Waterford Property Watch, the seventh in our series of in-depth discussions on what’s happening in the local property […]

Probate Law – Waterford Property Watch Ep 6

Probate Law – Waterford Property Watch Ep 6

Welcome to Waterford Property Watch, the sixth in our series of in-depth discussions on what’s happening in the Waterford property […]

Is the time right to sell my home?

Is the time right to sell my home?

Deciding on when to sell your home can be tricky. Here are a few questions to ask yourself that will […]

Investing in property; is there still value in the market – Expert Estate Agent Advice

Investing in property; is there still value in the market – Expert Estate Agent Advice

  Every time a good quality property becomes available on the sales market I’m inundated with interested parties. There’s a […]

The importance of knowing your property’s value – Expert Estate Agent Advice

The importance of knowing your property’s value – Expert Estate Agent Advice

Most homeowners know what they paid for their property and how much their monthly mortgage is but not everyone knows what the current value of their property is. Why does it matter? If you are living in your home, intending to continue living there for the foreseeable future and making the mortgage repayments then why would you care about its current market value. 

How to speed up selling your home – Expert Estate Agent Advice

How to speed up selling your home – Expert Estate Agent Advice

While we all have personal tastes these tastes may not appeal to everyone. To sell your home you should neutralise the decor, flowery or pink feature walls may look great to you but they may be an issue to potential buyers. Those out viewing properties may not be able to visualise the house the way they would like it….

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