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Property News and Advice

Waterford Property Market Update

Waterford Property Market Update

There is a lot happening in the Waterford property market at the moment…

The Waterford Rental Market

In relation to the residential rental market, in December, legislation capping rent increases at 2% per year in Rent Pressure Zones passed both Houses of the Oireachtas. This new law also provides for tenancies of unlimited duration.

I don’t see this being hugely problematic for landlords. Why not? I hear you say…

Diary of a Real Estate Intern – December 2021

Diary of a Real Estate Intern – December 2021

Ahhh yes, this week from start to finish, was… let just say, a maelstrom of internal feelings compounded by weeks of sleepless nights in a student complex that had my skin crawling with agitation by Monday morning.

To sum it up…

Do you remember when you were a child, and you had a tantrum? Did you ever scream into your pillow with rage?…. We’re all adults here, hush, hush, I won’t tell if you don’t… internalize that and say no more.

Difficult week indeed, tough conversations were had, not enough minutes in the day to do what was required.

Let’s Get Together and Support Waterford’s Shops This Christmas

Let’s Get Together and Support Waterford’s Shops This Christmas

Shop Local: In this two-minute read, we look at why it’s so important and enjoyable to buy from local, independent stores.

December is upon us. If you haven’t already started your Christmas shopping then the festive alarm bells will soon be ringing.

During the first lockdown, there was a huge push to support our local businesses. Many of whom were struggling due to the lack of footfall. At Liberty Blue, we are recommending that you rally behind these businesses once again.

There has never been a better time to look locally for your festive items, presents, and anything else that makes it ‘the most wonderful time of the year’.

Getting to know Scott

Getting to know Scott

We reckon it’s time we all got to know Scott, our newest team member, so we sat him down and hit him with some quick-fire buzzer round style questions. 😁

How long have you worked for Liberty Blue?

I am here for almost 3 months now, It’s been great, a huge learning curve from my previous career but I love it.

Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?

Chris Hemsworth, I reckon he could pull off my look 😜

Diary of a Real Estate Intern – Week 7

Diary of a Real Estate Intern – Week 7

This week I’m going to chalk down as a ‘learnings week’ as Real Estate Industry Leader Stephen Brown likes to put it. I don’t know who coined the expression or where I heard it before but as they say to get ahead in a new industry; you must fail fast, fail often, and fail forward in order to learn and grow.

I made mistakes with the VR camera – not enough scans + pictures – lesson learned.

I made a mistake with the diary – lesson learned.

Diary of a Real Estate Intern

Diary of a Real Estate Intern

I started in Liberty blue on September 15th on a Wednesday morning at 9 am. In the first few days that week, I was eased into things by shadowing Akville and Angela. I learned the basics around the technology used in Liberty Blue like Acquaint and Fixflo. I was also lucky enough to sit in on a marketing meeting during my first week too. It gave me great insights into the work and planning that goes on behind the scenes here in Liberty Blue. Everything is meticulously planned weeks/months in advance.

New Tenancy Bill means a 2% cap on rents in RPZ’s

New Tenancy Bill means a 2% cap on rents in RPZ’s

Welcome to our November Property blog

This month I am focusing on the residential rental property market. In terms of activity very little has changed with respect to supply and demand.

As of today, the 10th of November, while writing this blog there are 11 properties in total for rent on Daft in Waterford City. This includes 3 student properties. There are a further 8 in the County of which one is a holiday home and only available until April to rent.

Seven Ways to Prepare Your Waterford Rental Property for Winter

Seven Ways to Prepare Your Waterford Rental Property for Winter

In this two-minute read, we look at how landlords in Waterford can make sure their rental investments stand up to the challenges of winter weather.

With winter officially only a few weeks away, the time is now ideal for landlords to take steps to ensure their properties are prepared for whatever December to February serves up.

By putting a winter property maintenance plan in place, you’re setting yourself and your tenants up for a trouble-free winter period.

Property Q and A – October 2021

Property Q and A – October 2021

Dear Liberty Blue,

One of my tenants is complaining of noise late at night made by one of the other tenants in the building, upstairs. This is a teenage girl who has taken up the drums. In fairness, the noise is only going on until 8 or 9 pm but still, this downstairs tenant is fed up with it because it is going on every evening for about an hour.

Any suggestions? All has been peaceful between these two apartments until now!

Why Homeowners Should Sell Before They Start Looking

Why Homeowners Should Sell Before They Start Looking

In this two-minute read, we look at the BIG reasons why your home needs to be up for sale at the very least before you start seeking a new one.

Picture the scene.

You’re house hunting and have been trawling the internet for what seems like forever. Then one day your eyes are drawn to a beautiful looking home that ticks all your boxes.

You visit the property and boom, fall head over heels with it. It’s the one….

Five Ways to Declutter Your Waterford Home

Five Ways to Declutter Your Waterford Home

In this two-minute read, we look at one of the simplest ways to turbo charge the sale of your home – decluttering.

When it comes to selling a home, there’s a simple way to add thousands of euros to the price you achieve – and that’s to get rid of your clutter.

By being a little bit ruthless with yourself, and those you live with, you really can achieve a quicker and more lucrative sale.

Here are five ways to say goodbye to your clutter…

What Social Media Tells You about an Estate Agent

What Social Media Tells You about an Estate Agent

In this three-minute read, we look at the critical role social media plays in estate agents reaching out to potential buyers.

When choosing an estate agent, it pays to channel your inner Miss Marple or Sherlock Holmes and do a little online sleuthing.

When you’re looking to hire an estate agent it’s important to look for someone with a strong community standing, good track record, and proven marketing formula.

Social media and Google reviews are great places to check this out….

How Home Sellers in Waterford Can Avoid Fall-Through Agony

How Home Sellers in Waterford Can Avoid Fall-Through Agony

In this two-minute read, we look at what homeowners can do to reduce the risk of their property sale falling through.

We’re about to banish a myth that many people still believe about selling a home.

The misconception is that once you’ve accepted an offer for your property, the hard work is done.

Property Q and A

Property Q and A

I am in the middle of selling my house. My family and I are moving further out of Waterford City and buying a new house there at the same time. My problem is that the buyer of my house seems to be moving very slowly, or their solicitors are. We have been delayed now 9 weeks since we went sale agreed and it is starting to make me feel very nervous about my house purchase. The people we are buying from are chasing me every day. What can I do? 

Property Q and A – September 2021

Property Q and A – September 2021

I am in the middle of selling my house. My family and I are moving further out of Waterford City and buying a new house there at the same time. My problem is that the buyer of my house seems to be moving very slowly, or their solicitors are. We have been delayed now 9 weeks since we went sale agreed and it is starting to make me feel very nervous about my house purchase. The people we are buying from are chasing me every day. What can I do? 

We Love Teamwork!

We Love Teamwork!

As Estate Agents, we have a reputation for producing great videos and images of our properties and marketing them really well to buyers.

I was reminded last month though that we just wouldn’t be able to do this to such a high standard if our clients didn’t work with us!

Waterford Property Watch – August 2021

Waterford Property Watch – August 2021

Today,17th August 2021, there are only 11 properties for rent advertised on in Waterford city and county, excluding student accommodation (8) […]

More than a Quick Sell

More than a Quick Sell

This week I wrapped up a job that showed the value of building a good relationship.  I sold a property […]

Tips for Buyers Looking for Their Dream Home in Waterford

Tips for Buyers Looking for Their Dream Home in Waterford

In this two-minute read, we give our best recommendations on how to find your dream home in Waterford.
Searching for your next home can be an exciting process, but it can also feel daunting and even frustrating at times. Use these suggestions to ensure that when you’re house hunting in Waterford, you remain as calm as possible.

Landlord Health and Safety Obligations

Landlord Health and Safety Obligations

Maria Clifford, Director Liberty Blue, discusses the Health and Safety obligations of landlords in her latest video (which you can […]

Six Reasons Why Property Inspections Are a Must for Waterford Landlords

Six Reasons Why Property Inspections Are a Must for Waterford Landlords

In this three-minute read, we look at why regular inspections should be central to your property management strategy. When you’re […]

How to Choose a Good Waterford Removal Company

How to Choose a Good Waterford Removal Company

This three-minute read gives you a few ideas to consider when choosing your removal company in Waterford.

Getting the right people to help you move home is so important. This means your estate agent, your solicitor, and the people that will do the physical heavy lifting. Choosing the right removal company will make a big difference, not only on moving day itself, but before, and after, your move.

Kerb Appeal: Top Tips for Improving Your Waterford Home’s

Kerb Appeal: Top Tips for Improving Your Waterford Home’s

This three-minute read will help you maximise the kerb appeal for your Waterford property. They say you you have 20 […]

Calculating Your Waterford Buy-to-Let Return

Calculating Your Waterford Buy-to-Let Return

If you’re looking for a property to rent out, it’s important to understand the numbers involved. You may have inherited a property and are thinking of letting it. Use the information here to identify if that is a prudent thing to do or if the capital from selling the property could be better invested.

Retrofitting is an opportunity not to be missed when transforming your home

Retrofitting is an opportunity not to be missed when transforming your home

At Liberty Blue Estate Agents we have noticed a trend change when it comes to buyers looking for their first home. Previously most buyers wanted a home that was pretty much turn-key. 

However, in the past year, there has been a stronger demand from buyers looking for a home which can offer them a project. The result is that older townhouses which had been left aside and looking sad are being bought by buyers who see their potential. These buyers want to invest the time and energy into a redesign and retrofit.

Outside Space: Top Tips for Making the Most of Your Garden

Outside Space: Top Tips for Making the Most of Your Garden

In this two-minute read, we share some simple ideas to improve your garden.

Covid restrictions have affected the housing market in many ways, from virtual viewings to a complete lack of supply but something else has occurred too. Outside space and gardens are fastly becoming a wishlist priority for both buyers and renters. Here some tips for making the most of your outside space.

Additional Information Serious Buyers in Waterford are Seeking

Additional Information Serious Buyers in Waterford are Seeking

In this two-minute read, we look at useful information which you might want to share with your agent to satisfy inquisitive buyers.

You can often tell whether a viewer is keen on a property from the questions they ask. And in our experience, the more specific the question, the warmer the prospect. When it comes to preparing for a sale, the more information that you can share with your agent, the better. Here are five typical questions to get you thinking.

Waterford Property Watch Report – April 2021

Waterford Property Watch Report – April 2021

Plenty of interesting reading recently about the property market and why now is not the time to buy property according to David Mc Williams.

Even the economic experts admit that they got it wrong over the last 12 months. Regina Mangan discusses the latest Daft report and her thoughts on where the market is going

Rental Property – Tips to Keep Calm and in Control

Rental Property – Tips to Keep Calm and in Control

In this two-minute read, we show you how to keep calm and in control when letting your Waterford property.

The idea that investing in rental property is easy passive income is a myth. Letting and managing rental property can be stressful, especially for inexperienced or accidental landlords.

This month sees the championing of Stress Awareness Month; an annual event which recognises the dangers of modern-day stress and provides valuable coping strategies. If you are wading through tenancy treacle, read our top tips to temper your tension.

How DIY Projects Can Help Sell Your Home in Waterford

How DIY Projects Can Help Sell Your Home in Waterford

In this three-minute read, we look at some simple and affordable projects to help sell your home faster and probably for a higher price, too.

It’s DIY Day on the 3rd of April and if you’re planning to sell your home, here are six easy things you can do yourself to help sell it quickly. They are simple, straightforward, and inexpensive ways to improve your home’s look and value. Happy DIY Day!

Six Ways Waterford Landlords Can Spring Clean Their Property Portfolio

Six Ways Waterford Landlords Can Spring Clean Their Property Portfolio

In this three-minute read, we explain why it pays for landlords to review the management of their property.

Spring is traditionally a time for a good tidy up and clear out. If you’re a landlord, it’s also an excellent opportunity to give your property management strategy a once-over.

Taking the time to review what is and isn’t working with your investment will save you money and energy further down the track.

Planning Permission

Planning Permission

I recently sale agreed a lovely site in Stradbally County Waterford. We are also selling two amazing sites in Cheekpoint with breathtaking waterfront views. With all the enquiries I received, I thought it would be a good idea to invite an expert to our Waterford Property Watch segment to answer some frequently asked questions about residential planning permission.

So I got in touch with a planning permmision expert…

Five Things We Can’t Wait to Do in Waterford When Lockdown Ends

Five Things We Can’t Wait to Do in Waterford When Lockdown Ends

We list the five simple things we’re looking forward to when lockdown lifts in this two-minute read.
With the end to lockdown now in sight, it’s impossible not to think excitedly ahead to spring and summer.

We know we won’t be able to do everything all at once – but we can live with that.

Rent Reviews will Protect the Value of your Asset

Rent Reviews will Protect the Value of your Asset

You should never underestimate the importance of carrying out annual rent reviews to maintain the value of your property. Not only do rent reviews keep your income at the current market value but they also ensure your property achieves the maximum potential price, should you wish to sell. Find out why in this 2 minute read.

Solas Cancer Support Centre – Waterford Spotlight

Solas Cancer Support Centre – Waterford Spotlight

Did you know that the Solas Cancer Support Centre in Willimastown is 10 years old today!! Maria Clifford – AuctioCneer – Liberty Blue Estate Agents chats to Tracy McDaid about the great work they do, even during lockdown. The Solas Centre in Williamstown provides cancer support for those affected by cancer and their relatives, from; one to one counselling and group mindfullness sessions to Zoom yoga classes and even online art classes!

2021 Paint Trends: Why Magnolia is Out, and Dead Salmon is in!

2021 Paint Trends: Why Magnolia is Out, and Dead Salmon is in!

In this three-minute read, we look at the paint colours that are making a splash in 2021. For millions of us Irish, getting through this pandemic has been a case of “Keep Calm and Carry On with DIY”.

To stop ourselves from climbing the walls from boredom and frustration, we’ve turned to painting them.

How to Find Great Tenants and Keep Them

How to Find Great Tenants and Keep Them

When it comes to renting your property, the most important thing you must do is to select the right tenant. There are no second chances, you must get this right from day one. Afterall your property may be one of the biggest assets you own. Do not leave things to chance. If you do not choose the right tenants, you will enter a world of financial and emotional stress.

Landlords – How we rent property during COVID level 5

Landlords – How we rent property during COVID level 5

The past year has presented a challenge to many landlords who find themselves with a vacant property which may require both work and new tenants. It has been especially tricky for landlords living outside of Waterford. Despite everything, the rental market throughout Waterford has been very strong. We are attracting good prospective tenants who are relocating to Waterford, seeking quality rented accommodation.

Septic Tanks: Do I need to have planning permission for my septic tank when selling?

Septic Tanks: Do I need to have planning permission for my septic tank when selling?

Do I need to have planning permission for my septic tank when selling my home? 

When selling your property and if you have your own septic tank you need to make sure you have planning permission from your council. There is a stringent set of regulations that must be followed and requirements that need to be met.

The Latest Guidelines

The Latest Guidelines

In our latest video, Regina discusses the latest Government restrictions and today’s announcement from IPAV in relation to viewing properties for sale or rent. What is allowed and what isn’t? and how Liberty Blue are operating under these restrictions.

Should I wait to sell my property?

Should I wait to sell my property?

Maria Clifford, Auctioneer and Director of Liberty Blue Estate Agents & Auctioneers Waterford, discusses what is currently happening in the Waterford property market and why now could be an excellent time to sell your property.

Find out what she has to say in our latest video

Top of the Town, Waterford – Property Report

Top of the Town, Waterford – Property Report

Maria Clifford, Auctioneer, discusses the ‘top of the town’ in her latest Waterford property report. Did you know that there […]

North Quays Funding Announcement

North Quays Funding Announcement

The Dream announcement was made today. Liberty Blue Estate Agents are thrilled with the today’s Government confirmation of the funding […]

COVID 19 Level 5 Restrictions Implications

COVID 19 Level 5 Restrictions Implications

“Hey Regina, how will you get by now you can’t sell or rent during lock down?” “We’re always open for […]

North Quays Waterford Webinar

North Quays Waterford Webinar

In this webinar, facilitated by our very own Regina Mangan, Rob Cass from Falcon Real Estate Development explains how the North Quays project is […]

Éadaoin’s Testimonial

Éadaoin’s Testimonial

We received a lovely testimonial from our former client Éadaoin that we are delighted to share. Éadaoin engaged us to […]

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